How do I get involved?
There are lots of ways to get involved with World Eel Day.
For example, you could organise an eel event , draw or make an eel or write a story or a poem.
Post you eel art or event on instagram or Twitter (X) with the hashtag #worldeel day & #worldeelday24
Remember to tag @eelsuitcase
If posting on instagram why not ask the Eel Suitcase to be a collaborator on your post? this is a great way of driving more engagement.
For larger events please contact with ideas to add to the official programme, which is also supported by the University of Plymouth and the Norfolk Broads Authority.
There’s an optional theme for 2024 which could help shape your activity – which is ‘wonder’. How do eels inspire ‘wonder’ in the world? What wonderful research, learning and passion for eels can we share and how can a sense of ‘wonder’ help them?
We would also love to hear from volunteers who could help with the communications side of the day, whether it’s helping with web admin or social media. Are you passionate about conservation, biodiversity, or just really love eels?
Be an ‘eel ambassador’ and help the celebrations.
May 17th 2024